SNIDEL HOMEのハロウィンコレクションは オーセンティックでフェミニンなCATをモチーフに。 チュールをたっぷりとあしらったドリーミーなドレス、 毛足の長いアイコニックなねこみみフード、ラブリーなビジューボタン。 ファンシーなデザインがときめき、誘惑を誘う HALLOWEEN COLLECTION When you are relaxing in your room or lying in bed. Even when you're by yourself, you still want to wear your favorite things. Tops 10,560yen Pants 10,340yen Socks 3,960yen You'll want a beautiful silhouette and exciting motif Just as much as an irresistibly comfortable feel and functionality. Just as much as an irresistibly comfortable feel and functionality. Tops 10,560yen Pants 7,040yen Pouch 4,950yen Tops 10,560yen Pants 8,910yen Dress 15,950yen Skin care is also achieved by infusing botanical essences into the fabric. SNIDEL HOME's BEAUTY HOME DRESS meets these complex desires. Skin care is also achieved by infusing botanical essences into the fabric. Cardigan 11,000yen Dress 15,950yen Hair accessory 5,060yen Cardigan 11,000yen Pants 7,040yen Socks 3,960yen Consistently placing great importance on sustainability, SNIDEL is well-positioned to provide this lifestyle. Camisole 9,460yen Pants 10,340yen Hair accessory 5,060yen Bag 9,240yen Camisole 9,460yen Pants 10,340yen